Why we started

As passionate advocates for SRHR, intersectional gender justice, and global health equity, the founders of RAISE are actively addressing the aforementioned pressing issue of the missing intersectional feminist and decolonization/anti-colonial perspectives in current global health projects and consultancy industry.

Our extensive experience working in international and global health consulting has provided us with invaluable insights that have only deepened our conviction that we have a vital role to play in reshaping this field.

sustainable and equitable approach

We are determined to harness our collective values and expertise to bring about a more sustainable and equitable approach to global health initiatives by creating RAISE Global Health. Decolonizing efforts in global health and related development sectors are often tokenistic and fail to address the deep-seated power imbalances and historical injustices perpetuated by colonialism. The perspective of the ‘white gaze’ continues to be centered around the development, implementation, and evaluation of international development projects.

Similarly, gender-related approaches (or even those labeled ‘feminist’ approach) are often narrowly focused on women's/female health and neglect the intersectionality of gender with other social, political, and commercial determinants.

An international consortium

We are a dynamic and diverse group of global health experts who are dedicated to advancing SRHR, intersectional gender justice, and equity on a global scale. Our core team of co-founders is just the start. We collaborate with experts from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds, each bringing their unique perspectives and experiences to the table. You can read more about who we collaborate with on our “collaborators” page (coming soon).

By centering the voices of those most impacted, we aim to contribute to a world where everyone has access to the information, services, and support they need to make informed decisions about their SRHR and to live lives free from gender-based discrimination and violence.